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This brochure outlines the entire turf installation process, for more info on each step, please consult our other guides.


During the first three weeks, avoid heavy or concentrated use of your new lawn. This gives the roots an opportunity to firmly knit with soil and insures that the turf will remain smooth.


Your new sod lawn increases your property value significantly. With proper care, it will remain a great asset, providing beauty, a clean playing surface, and an improved environment.

Mow regularly, generally removing no more than 1/3 of the grass height at a mowing. Keep your mower blade sharp. You will need to mow more often during prime growing seasons. (Spring & Fall on cool-season grasses; Summer on warm-season grasses)

Fertilizer and chemical applications depend on climate, sod type, soil, and pressure from insects, weeds, and disease. Please consult our maintenance schedules for recommendations.


Measuring & Ordering

Make a sketch of the area to be landscaped. Measure the length and the width and indicate these on your sketch. Multiply length x width to get the area. For irregular shaped areas, break the area into two (or more) smaller areas. For triangles, measure length x width and divide by 2. Add up total area to be sodded. If area was measured in feet, divide the total square feet by 9 to get total square yards. Schedule your order for delivery of turf after preparatory work is completed and you are ready to install. Prompt installation on the day of delivery is crucial to a strong beginning for your lawn.

Soil Preparation

For best result, rototill or spade the area to a depth of 4-6 inches. Eliminate drainage problems by having soil slope away from foundations, etc. Soil test your lawn area with the assistance of a qualified service in your area. Then rake in fertilizer, lime, peat, compost, etc. as needed to a depth of 3-4 inches. Rake and smooth the soil, removing rocks, roots, and large clods. If fluffy, roll the area lightly with a lawn roller 1/3 full of water. Keep the grade 3/4 inch below sidewalks or driveway.

Turf Installation

Install your lawn immediately upon delivery. Begin watering lawn within 30 minutes of installation. Turf is a living plant that requires ground contact and moisture to survive! In hot weather, begin watering while you are installing. Do not wait until the entire lawn in installed before turning on the water. Begin installing turf along the longest straight line, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Butt and push edges and ends against each other tightly, without stretching. Avoid gaps or overlaps. Stagger the joints in each row in a brick-like fashion, using a sharp knife to trim corners, etc. Avoid leaving small strips at outer edges as they are more susceptible to drying. On slopes, place the turf pieces lengthwise across the slope. To avoid causing indentations or air pockets, avoid walking or kneeling on the turf while it is being installed or immediately after watering. After installing the turf, roll the entire area to improve turf-to-soil contact and remove air pockets.


Give your new lawn at least 1 inch of water within 1/2 hour of installation. Water daily, or more often, keeping turf moist until it is firmly rooted (about 2 weeks). Then less frequent, deeper waterings should begin. Weather conditions will dictate the amount the amount and frequency of watering. Be certain that your new lawn has enough moisture to survive hot, dry, or windy periods. Water areas near buildings more often where reflected heat dries the turf.