If your business or residence is located in St. Louis, Missouri or surrounding communities of the Greater St. Louis metro area, Heartland Turf Farms is your premium choice for Zoysia Sod in St. Louis Missouri. Our highly experienced and trained professional staff can provide you information regarding installation and care of Zoysia Sod for your home or business.
If you are a homeowner and would like to have a beautiful green lawn without any annoying weeds that require constant maintenance, please contact us today to speak with a member of our friendly staff regarding Zoysia Sod in St. Louis Missouri. We can answer any questions you may have about installation and maintenance care of Zoysia Sod to ensure that you have the best looking lawn in your neighborhood year round!
Meyer Zoysia sod is a warm-season grass that thrives in the summer heat. It has tight, upright blades that form a dense, consistent turf. Medium-green in color, it also has a high tolerance for traffic and drought. Zoysia sod is widely used on golf courses fairways and tees and is the top warm-season turfgrass for St. Louis area lawns. It exhibits excellent cold hardiness and is rarely susceptible to winter loss. Our Meyer Zoysia sod is grown to golf course specifications, maintained with reel-type mowers to achieve a consistent fairway cut.
Homeowners often describe Meyer Zoysia Sod as a dense outdoor carpet. Many love it because it thrives in the summer when other lawns are struggling. It spreads laterally across the ground, which helps to choke out weeds and fill in bare spots. Zoysia Sod goes into winter dormancy beginning with the first frost, and greens up the following April or May.
Zoysia Sod Highlights:
- Excellent heat tolerance, and good drought tolerance. Zoysia sod shines in our hot summers.
- Grows best in full sun, but will tolerate some shade
- Excellent cold-hardiness
- Medium green color during the growing season. Straw color during dormancy.
- Good wear tolerance, even during dormancy.
Recommended Uses of Zoysia Sod:
Residential/Commercial Lawns Makes a great lawn grass, especially for full-sun lawns and those that receive a lot of summer use. Good wear tolerance makes it ideal for kids and pets.
Athletic Fields Generally not recommended. A dense, upright growth pattern creates a false footing scenario that is undesirable for competitive sports.
Parks/Institutions Excellent for full-sun areas, south facing hillsides, and areas with high foot traffic.
Golf Courses Fairways, tees, and roughs. Our Meyer Zoysia sod is mowed at fairway height, with minimal thatch, for easy transition to fairways or tees.
Types of Zoysia Sod Cut:
- Pallet: Easy to handle 20 x 40 slabs, perfect for do-it-yourself installation. 66 slabs per pallet = 360 square feet
- Big Roll: A continuous roll that can be installed with a tractor or skid-loader, with less labor. Good for large installation projects with limited obstacles. Big roll is 42 wide, split down the middle for two 21 strips. Standard size roll covers 360 square feet, but can be cut to shorter lengths upon request.
Sprigs: Our sprigs are clean, healthy, and durable because they are dug out of the ground, not cut off the top. Each sprig contains the leaves, stolons, and roots of the plant. We dig them fresh, directly into your truck. Available for golf courses.